4th annual School Supplies Giveaway at Lyons Pharmacy 921 W Main, Lyons Ks. 67554 620-509-2169 We are excited to have school supplies for pPre-K-5th grade students at: Park and Central Elementary . Check our facebook page for updates and we will see you in August!
Kansas KEEP Apply for a $1000 award to enrich your students education!
Sunflower Summer logo
superintendent desk sign
Superintendent desk plate
Plants on racks and boy standing by plant.
Superintendent desk plate
School Bus
Superintendent desk plate
Student Achievement Awards
Superintendent desk plate
Message from out superintendent
Superintendent's Ramblings Lots of good stuff going on!
Students watching a zoom meeting with Cosmosphere
Tornado on the ground
Message from the Superintendent
Norma Jaime holding certificate
Ray & Evelyn Lippelman Outstanding Teacher Award
Message from Superintendent
School Awards