Central Character Education activities take place on the first Friday of each month, while Character Education assemblies typically happen monthly. We focus on one character trait a month; therefore, all activities and assemblies are geared toward that month's trait. Past speakers include Miss Kansas, a ventriloquist, a police officer with a K9 dog, the LHS drumline, and many more!
This year's motto is "Plant Good Character." with a plant/succulent theme. At the end of the year, all 3rd grade students and new staff are invited to place their hand print on our walls as a symbol of commitment to Central School and the Character Education Program.
Our Character Rap, complete with actions, is sung at all Character Education assemblies. View our Character Rap. To read more about our program, click Character Education.
Here at Central, we think our kids are SCHARRP!
These are our Character Traits:
Self-discipline: To have orderly conduct and obedience.
Caring & Compassion: To be concerned about others.
Honesty: To be truthful and have integrity.
Attitude: To have a positive mental feeling.
Respect: To show high regard for self and others.
Responsibility: To fulfill obligations, be reliable, be trustworthy, and be able to choose between right and wrong.
Perseverance: To keep trying in spite of difficulties.