3A Sub-State Volleyball (LHS)
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
3A Sub-State Volleyball (LHS)
LHS Volleyball Tri at Lyons
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Volleyball Tri at Lyons
LMS 8th Volleyball Tournament at Halstead
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LMS 8th Volleyball Tournament at Halstead
Final. Halstead 52. Lyons 6
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
LHS Cross Country Regional Class 3A/5A WHERE: Great Bend WHEN: Saturday, Oct 21 TEAMS: 5A: Goddard HS, Goddard-Eisenhower HS, Great Bend HS, Hays HS, Hutchinson HS, Newton HS, Salina-Central HS, Salina-South HS, Valley Center HS 3A: Beloit HS, Cimarron HS, Colby HS, Ellsworth HS, Goodland HS, Hoisington HS, Holcomb HS, Kingman HS, Kismet-Southwestern Heights HS, Lakin HS, Larned HS, Lyons HS, Nickerson HS, Norton Community HS, Phillipsburg HS, Russell HS LOCATION: Lake Barton Cross Country Course - (just south of Lake Barton Golf Course) The course is located 5 miles north of Great Bend on highway 281 to NW 60 Road (just before the 4-H building) and 1⁄4 miles west.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Visitor Map
5K Course Map
LHS Football at SE Saline
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Football at SE Saline
LMS Volleyball and Football at Larned
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LMS Volleyball and Football at Larned
Congrats to Jade, Aaron and Aylin. LMS Students of the Month!
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Volleyball – Circle Tournament Bracket
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Volleyball – Circle Tournament Bracket
LHS Volleyball Tri
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Volleyball Tri
LHS/LMS Cross Country WHERE: Pratt WHEN: Thursday, Oct 12 Race Schedule: 3:30 p.m. 7th grade Boys & Girls (1 mile) 8th grade Boys & Girls (2 miles) 4:00 p.m. Varsity Girls 5K Varsity Boys 5K JV Girls/Boys 5K
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
5 K Course
2 Mile Course
1 Mile Course
LHS Regional Girl's Tennis at Hesston
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Regional Girl's Tennis at Hesston
Due to a lack of players from Ellsworth the JV FB game scheduled for Monday, October 2nd has been cancelled.
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
Final. Ellsworth 72. Lyons 6
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
Halftime. Ellsworth 56. Lyons 0
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
End of 1. Ellsworth 21. Lyons 0
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
LHS Football vs Halstead
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Football vs Halstead
There were many wonderful examples of people going above and beyond who were nominated by their peers for the September El Potrillo Above & Beyond recognition. This month, two power couple nominations stood out however -- 1) Steve and Patti Kreis and 2) Ron Herrick and LaNita Heath. Each couple received a $25 gift certificate to El Potrillo. Steve and Patti Kreis had three nominations for the work they did getting the high school campus cleaned up. One of the nominations said, "Their work in cleaning up the HS campus, football field and tree row on the south side of the football field went above and beyond. These two spent many hours, including Sundays, working on making the HS grounds something we can all be proud of." Ron Herrick and LaNita Heath had five nominations. One of their nominations said, "They have been working 12+ hour days to make sure everyone at Central is taken care of the last few weeks since we no longer have an evening custodian. They have been kind, persevering, and have done this all while maintaining a wonderful attitude; not one complaint. We are lucky to have them here in Lyons, and they more than deserve this award for all of their hard work in September." Congratulations also to the following nominees for their awesome contributions during the month of September: Lita Zimmerman, Trisha Stover, Gerard Paz Lostes, Colton Bennett, Kole Clarke, Gaye Callich, Annie Walters, Elsa Brooks, Deanna Granados, Becky Rombeck, Ana Perez, Nick Amezola, Amie Kreis, Shannon Hendricks, and Norma Jaime.
over 1 year ago, Bill Day
Steve & Patti
LaNita & Ron
El Potrillo logo
The Central Plains Rodeo Association Finals will be held this weekend in Lyons at the Bar-K-Bar Arena. Park Elementary and Central Elementary were privileged to have the CPRA rodeo queens pay a visit this morning! Lyons students learned about rodeo events, queen competitions and got to play some rodeo-related games.
over 1 year ago, Bill Day
CPRA Rodeo Queens
LHS Football vs Ellsworth will be broadcast on Ad Astra Hit Radio 94.7 KSKU.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Football vs Ellsworth