Vision chart and an ear

PES Vision & Hearing Screenings @ PES
(5 Days)

Sept 30- Oct 4, 2024

CES Vision & Hearing Screenings @ CES
(5 Days)

October 7-11, 2024

LHS/LMS Vision & Hearing Screenings
(5 Days)

October 14-18, 2024

Dental Screening this February

To help comply with the Kansas law requiring free dental inspections in school, USD 405 will be providing FREE dental screenings to all students enrolled in our schools.

PES Dental Screenings @ PES
(Day 1 of 2)
FEBRUARY 4, 2025

PES Dental Screenings @ PES
(Day 2 of 2)
FEBRUARY 5, 2025

CES Dental Screenings @ CES
(Day 1 of 2)
FEBRUARY 6, 2025

CES Dental Screenings @ CES
(Day 2 of 2)
FEBRUARY 11, 2025

LHS/LMS Dental Screenings
(Day 1 of 2)
FEBRUARY 12, 2025

LHS/LMS Dental Screenings
(Day 2 of 2)
FEBRUARY 13, 2025

For more information on dental screenings:

When To Return Student To School After Illness

If a child has any symptoms that display a possible illness while at school, it may decrease the student’s ability to learn and put them at risk for spreading illness to others. These children will be sent home immediately.  They may return if they are symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of symptom-reducing medication. If the child has been gone for 3 days in a row or more, the student must have a doctor’s note clearing the child to come back to school.

IF a child is experiencing the below symptoms AND the child has been in close contact with an infected person for at least 15 minutes with a confirmed COVID-19 test or traveled to a hot spot area, we are asking you to see your health care provider for an evaluation. 

  • Temperature >100.4 or higher

  • Sore throat

  • Muscle or body aches

  • New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for student with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain

  • New onset of severe headache, especially with fever

  • New Loss of taste or smell

 If you have any questions, you can contact our school nurse, Brandi Reazin, at 620-257-5624

Si un niño tiene algún síntoma que muestre una posible enfermedad mientras está en la escuela puede disminuir la capacidad del estudiante para aprender y ponerlo en riesgo de propagar la enfermedad a otros. Estos niños serán enviados a casa inmediatamente. Pueden regresar si están libres de síntomas durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir los síntomas. Si el niño se ha ido durante 3 días seguidos el estudiante debe tener una nota medica que despeje al niño para que regrese a la escuela.

Si un niño está experimentando los síntomas siguientes y el niño ha estado en contacto con una persona infectada durante al menos 15 minutos con la prueba confirmada de COVID-19 o viajado a un área de zona crítico, le pedimos que consulte a su proveedor de atención médica para una evaluación. 

  • Temperatura >100.4 o más alto

  • Dolor de garganta

  • Dolores musculares o corporales

  • Nueva tos incontrolada que causa dificultad para respirar (para los estudiantes con tos asmática alérgica crónica o un cambio
    en su tos desde el inicio)

  • Vómitos, diarrea o dolor abdominal

  • Nuevo inicio de dolor de cabeza intenso especialmente con fiebre

  • Perdida de sabor o olor.


Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede ponerse con nuestra enfermera de la escuela, Brandi Reazin at 620-257-5624.