LMS Basketball vs Sedgwick
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LMS Basketball vs Sedgwick
LHS Boys' and Girls' Wrestling
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Wresling at WaKeeney
Information released yesterday by the U.S. Department of Education indicates an open date of the FAFSA form of December 31st. Institutions will begin to receive eligibility information in the months following. See the following link for the full article with more details about the changes to come: https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/electronic-announcements/2023-11-15/update-simplified-streamlined-redesigned-2024-25-fafsa Thank you, Courtney Farmer School Counselor Lyons High School
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
On Friday, November 17th, the LMS students and staff will be raking leaves in Lyons. We are in need of additional yards to fill our day. If you would like, or know of someone that could use some help, email BJ Smith at bsmith@usd405.com. We will accommodate as many yards as we can that morning. El viernes, 17 de noviembre, los estudiantes de LMS y el personal será rastrillar las hojas en Lyons. Estamos en necesidad de yardas adicionales para llenar nuestro día. Si desea, o sabe de alguien que podría utilizar un poco de ayuda, correo electrónico BJ Smith en bsmith@usd405.com. Vamos a dar cabida a tantas yardas como podamos esa mañana.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LMS Lions in Lyons Day
Career Clusters and Pathways at LHS Schools across the U.S. categorize courses based on 16 Career Clusters. Each cluster is then divided into pathways. Pathways align with a sequence of courses that provide technical and application skills for students. Kansas has combined the pathways to create 7 content areas, sharing similar skills. Lyons High School currently has 16 pathways, covering all 7 content areas and 2 additional programs. Each pathway is approved by KSDE and monitored annually in order to continue to meet the demands of the changing workforce and post-secondary expectations. For more information about the pathways at Lyons High School, contact CTE Coordinator Julie Tommer at jtommer@usd405.com Las escuelas de USA clasifican los cursos según 16 grupos profesionales. Luego, cada grupo se divide en vías. Pathways se alinea con una secuencia de cursos que brindan habilidades técnicas y de aplicación a los estudiantes. Kansas ha combinado los caminos para crear 7 áreas de contenido, compartiendo habilidades similares. Lyons High School cuenta actualmente con 16 vías de acceso, que cubren las 7 áreas de contenido y 2 programas adicionales. Cada vía es aprobada por KSDE y monitoreada anualmente para continuar satisfaciendo las demandas de la fuerza laboral cambiante y las expectativas postsecundarias. Para obtener más información sobre las rutas en Lyons High School, comuníquese con la coordinadora de CTE, Julie Tommer, en jtommer@usd405.com.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Kansas Pathways
LHS Girls and Boys Basketball vs Reno Valley
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Girls and Boys Basketball vs Reno Valley
Lyons Middle School Students of the month for November are Angie Pena, Derian Martinez and Kingston Medrud.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Student of the Month 1
Student of the Month 2
Student of the Month  3
Lyons Middle School received a grant from the Rice County Community Foundation for $1000 to go to the cost of Reality U next school year.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Thanks you Rice County Comm Foundation
LMS Girls and Boys Basketball
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LMS Girls and Boys Basketball
Thanks to everyone who signed up to get their curb painted! If you didn't get to sign up for one this fall, have no fear. The Lady Lions will be doing it again in the Spring when it is warmer! Please make sure you contact me or find one of the players to sign up. I will put out a flyer when it begins again! Thank you again! This community is awesome! Coach Stucky
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Thank You.
Junior and senior parents that there will be an After Prom meeting on Wednesday, Novermber 8, at 6pm in the LHS cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Project Prom Meeting
The redesign of the boys varsity locker room is almost complete. Thanks to Sam and Shelia Schmidt and those who volunteered their time to get this much needed facelift completed.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
LHS Winter Sports Parent Meeting Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30 pm in the LHS Cafeteria. You are urged to attend if you will have a son or daughter participating in a winter sport.
over 1 year ago, Jeff Fuss
Lyons Rotary Club Scholarships The Lyons Rotary Club supports four concurrent students via $2,000 scholarships. One of the ways the club is able to sustain those scholarships is through their annual sale of nuts and candies. This year, the nuts and candies are from Smith's Market in Hutchinson. All products are sold in one pound bags. I have attached an order form. If you are interested in supporting the Rotary scholarship fund by purchasing nuts and candies, please fill the form out and get it to Derek Carlson, Bill Day, or any other Rotary member. Thank you for your consideration.
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Order Form
LHS Marching Band News As you may have heard, the 1234A State Marching Band Championship was cancelled last Saturday. Our students were ready to go in the parking lot at Hutch CC—we had ponchos over our uniforms and had just set up all of our equipment in the cold rain when lightning delayed the event by 45 minutes. Two bands had already performed, and our band was chomping at the bit to perform, despite the cold and wet conditions. One of the most important lessons my students learn through band is how to adapt, overcome, and push through difficult obstacles in order to achieve their goals, and that’s exactly what they were ready to do. It made me incredibly proud to see the months of training and years of culture-building culminating in this moment. Unfortunately, the lightning delay had just expired when it was suddenly announced that the remainder of the competition would be cancelled, and we were given this information knowing that there were no plans to reschedule the competition. You can imagine the disbelief and heartbreak of our students when I told them the news, and there were many tears, especially from our Seniors who didn’t get this chance to march their final show. For many of them, this was supposed to be the very last time in their lives they would get to march on a field. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, knowing the potential our band had that day and having it suddenly taken away just moments before. Months of preparation had led to this moment, and just like that, it was over. Here was my message to the students once it was confirmed there would be no reschedule: You had an incredible run that very well could have ended in winning a State Championship. Two band directors at state told me their students were looking forward to seeing your show. You have helped build this band’s reputation alongside its strength and tenacity. You have proven yourself multiple times this year, and that is something we can all be very proud of. An ending like this to such a great season isn't fair, but if there's anything I hope I've taught you all, it's that life is full of obstacles and struggles. Things aren't going to go your way all the time, and it's up to each one of us to make this decision: Do I wallow in bitterness and dwell on what could have been? Or do I remain proud of our accomplishments and push forward, focusing on completing our next goal to the very best of our abilities? I'm choosing the latter, and I hope you will, too. We still have many opportunities for outstanding performances this year! Keep your chins up, and let's focus on nailing our upcoming Veterans Day performances! Andrew Scherer Lyons 6-12 Band Director
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Congratulation to the following student athletes for being named to the 2023 All-League selections! 2023 Football All-League 2nd Team Offence Jorge Cereceres - OL Honorable Mention Offense Ethan Luck - WR Solomon Goforth - Kicker Ethan Luck - Ret 1st Team Defense Ethan Luck - DB Solomon Goforth - P Honorable Mention Defense Jorge Cereceres - DL Deacon Showalter - LB 2023 Volleyball All-League Honorable Mention Kennedy Grizzle
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
2020 All -League Football
2023 All-League Volleyball
Seniors may complete college applications for free between November 7-9 in the state of Kansas. Students will have an opportunity to complete applications during school during this time but should also be working to be prepared by collecting necessary information and identifying schools they wish to apply to. Thank you, Courtney Farmer School Counselor Lyons High School
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
Free Application Days Kansas
Today is your last chance to sign up to get your curb painted by your lady Lions basketball team! If you are interested, please contact me and let me know your address, phone number, and whether you'd like a paw by the number or not! We will be painting THIS WEEKEND! Saturday, November 4th. These are super helpful for delivery drivers, as well as emergency personnel in case of an emergency. Contact Coach Stucky (bstucky@usd405.com) Let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for supporting your LHS girls basketball team! Bethany Stucky
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
LHS Girls Basketball Fundraiser
Parents: The freshmen class is taking a trip to visit NCK Technical in Hays on November 8th .
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda
We’re taking a trip all together to visit NCK Technical in Hays on November 8th .
LHS Drama Dept presents "GODSPELL"
over 1 year ago, Greg Konda