End of year staff poker run
End of year staff poker run
End of year staff poker run
End of year staff poker run
Congrats USD405 employees on making it through the weirdest, craziest, most difficult school year in our lifetimes and doing it in style!t
May 2021 FFA Newsletter - Kristin Dolechek
2020-21 LHS Triple Crown Winners. To qualify for the Triple Crown medal a student must compete in 3 sports and varsity letter in all three of those sports. Congratulations:
Kayleigh Arriola
Becca Konda
Caitlyn Belote
Lizeth Valenzuela
Yamyle Ramirez
Israel Rios
Carl Clark
Brian Bernhardt
Wyatt Showalter
Troy Reazin
Wrikin Scobee
Congratulations to Carl Clark and Kayleigh Arriola for being named 2020-21 Student/Athletes' of the Year. And congrats to all the LHS Student/Athletes who worked so hard in the classroom and in their activities to make their seasons a success.
The LHS Athletic Banquet is tonight at 6:30 pm in the LHS gymnasium.
LHS 4A Regional Baseball on Ad Astra Sports #1
With the 4A Regional Baseball game being rescheduled to Friday, the LHS Athletic Banquet will continue as planned for Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 PM in LHS gym.
The 4A Regional Baseball game vs Clay Center has be rescheduled for Friday at 4:00 pm in Clay Center. Admission will not be charged. The address of the game field is 501 West Crawford Street.
Summer 2021 LMS Weightlifting Schedule
2021-2022 school schedule will be as follows:
LHS & LMS 8:00-3:10 (M-Th), 9:00-3:10 (Friday)
PES & CES 8:00-3:15 (M-Th), 9:00-3:15 (Friday)
PK 8:00-11:15, 12:00-3:15 (M-Th), No PK (Friday)
4A Regional Baseball at Clay Center has been postponed until Friday. Start time is yet to be determined
With the 4A regional baseball tournament games being played today in Clay Center the Lyons HS Athletic Banquet will be moved to Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 pm in the LHS gym.
The 4A Regional Baseball tournament scheduled for today at Clay Center is still on. Lyons-Sterling is scheduled to play Clay Center at 3:30 pm.
With the scheduling of the 4A Regional Boys Baseball game in Clay Center on Wednesday, May 19th @ 3:30 pm the LHS Athletic Banquet has been moved to Thursday, May 20th at 6:30 pm in the LHS Gymnasium.
LHS and LMS Spring Instrument Concert - May 6, 2021
https://fb.watch/5zr2Y2_XwW/ - LHS Band Concert
https://fb.watch/5zr5___boo/ - MS Band Concert
The End of the Year "LHS Awards Assembly" will be held on Tuesday, May 18 at 10 am in the LHS Auditorium instead of 10 am on Wednesday, May 19.