Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any restrictions to attend RCLC? Age & enrollment requirements.
Students must be residents of Kansas.
Students must be 18 years of age OR older or have permission/be
assigned by the Lyons High School Principal to enroll.
Can a student enroll & begin courses at any time during the school year?
Yes. Students can enroll anytime during the year. It is preferred that a student begins the courses
at the start of the Fall semester in August.
What role does an instructional aide play?
Aides can help students with assignments and assist a student with computer issues.
Where does the diploma come from upon completion?
Students receive a diploma from Lyons High School.
All grades are recorded at Lyons High School and an
official transcript is created from the courses completed.
Can a student apply to college after graduating?
Yes! Upon completion of all State required courses, a student will receive
a regular Lyons High School (USD 405) diploma.
Can a student get a GED at the Learning Center?
No. A GED cannot be completed at the Rice County Learning Center.
However, for the person with a GED who also needs to have a high school
diploma, the RCLC offers the GED-Plus program. A student provides official proof of
GED passing scores and then enrolls with the Learning Center
to complete 7 or 8 credit hours to receive their high school diploma
and then can participate in the commencement ceremony.
A student CANNOT be enrolled in this program until their
cohort has graduated from high school.