Equipment Details
Hole 18 is off-limits during school hours--typically August-May, M-F, 7:30-3:30. (To play 18 holes during school hours, golfers should play Hole 1 a second time.)

LHS Course - Hole 14

Discuss safety on the disc golf course. Explain the importance of each of the following.
Throw in designated areas; they have been specifically located for reasons of safety and challenge.
Be sure the fairway is clear before throwing. Pedestrians have the right of way. Yell “fore” if a thrown disc is approaching a pedestrian.
Do not hit lamp posts; impact can damage bulbs.
Avoid throwing on or across streets.
Avoid throwing near parked or moving vehicles.
Avoid throwing near windows or other fixtures that could be damaged by a disc.
Play only during daylight hours.
Do not play if you can see lightning or hear thunder.
SPECIAL RULES: During the Coronavirus pandemic, maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet between people, avoid touching other players’ discs or equipment, cover coughs and sneezes, keep your hands away from your face, and wash hands thoroughly after playing.
Study the Professional Disc Golf AssociationOfficial Rules of Disc Golf now in use.
Tell about the Disc Golfer’s Code.
Show that you have a basic understanding of the game of disc golf.
Explain the typical divisions used for disc golf competitions.
Discuss disc golf etiquette.
Show that you understand basic disc golf terminology including: ace, approach, backhand, birdie, bogie, drive, fairway, forehand, mando, out of bounds or OB, overhead, par, putt, roller, stable, tee, and thumb.
Tell about your understanding of the Disc Golf United system of performance scoring (handicapping).
Do the following:
Tell about the history of disc golf.
Tell about the accomplishments of a disc golf Hall of Famer or other top player of your choice.
Discuss vocational opportunities related to disc golf.
Do the following:
Tell how disc golf can contribute to a healthy lifestyle, mentally and physically.
Tell how a disc golf exercise plan can help you play better. Show two exercises that would improve your game.
Show the following:
The proper stance, posture, and key fundamentals of proper throwing techniques.
The two most popular grips.
i. Drive from the tee.
ii. A long-distance fairway shot.
iii. An approach shot.
iv. A shot through or around obstacles.
v. A sound putting technique.
Play a minimum of two nine-hole rounds or one 18-hole round of disc golf with another golfer about your age and an adult approved by your parent or guardian. Do the following:
Follow the “Rules of Disc Golf”.
Practice good disc golf etiquette.
Show respect to fellow disc golfers, officials and observers.