Hall of Fame
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USD 405
Education Endowment Association
Lyons Schools Hall of Fame
The Lyons Schools Hall of Fame is dedicated to commemorating the outstanding accomplishments of the students/athletes, teams, faculty, coaches, alumni, and contributors of the Lyons Schools.
The Hall of Fame, founded in 2021, is a digital interactive display located in the main hallway near the gymnasium in Lyons High School. Inductees are honored by having their photograph and information about their significant achievements added to the Hall.
The criteria for induction into the Hall of Fame is that the teams or individuals have brought pride and honor to the Lyons Schools through their outstanding achievements. Eligibility criteria are shown below.:
A Lyons Schools student or athlete is eligible for nomination three years after his or her last day of attendance in the Lyons Schools.
A Lyons Schools team is eligible for nomination three years after the last member of that team has graduated or otherwise left the Lyons Schools (coaches excluded – a coach may be inducted as a member of a team while he or she is still an employee of the school).
A Lyons Schools faculty member or coach is eligible for nomination three years after his or her last day of employment at the Lyons Schools.
Lyons Schools alumni are eligible for nomination three years after their last attendance or employment at the Lyons Schools for accomplishments that they have attained after leaving the Lyons Schools.
Contributors of the Lyons Schools may be nominated based on special support of the Lyons Schools, either during an exceptional situation or over the course of many years.
To nominate an individual or a team for induction consideration, download the Nomination Form from the school website at
Hall of Fame Nomination Form.