Students shall have no expectation of privacy when using district e-mail or computer systems. E-mail messages shall be used only for approved educational purposes. Students must use appropriate language in all messages. Students are expected to use the system following guidelines approved by teachers or the administration.
Any e-mail or computer application or information on district computers or computer systems is subject to monitoring by the staff and/or administration. The school retains the right to duplicate any information created by students in a computer system or on any individual computer. Students who violate these rules or any other classroom rules relating to computer use are subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school.
Students are expected to follow all guidelines stated below as well as those given orally by the staff and to demonstrate ethical behavior in using the network facilities. Students are also expected to realize that the opportunity to use the network and the Lyons school facilities go hand in hand with using computer hardware, software, and the Internet in a responsible manner. Any actions that might harm the computer equipment or software, or impair its effective use, or showing disregard for the proper procedures set up for network access will not be tolerated.
1. Before use, students and/or parents may be required to attend a presentation on the aspects of security and ethics involved in using the Lyons schools’ network.
2. Students may not allow others to use their account name and/or their password. To do so is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
3. Any action by a student that is determined by his/her classroom teacher or a system administrator to constitute an inappropriate use of the Internet at any Lyons school’s facility or to improperly restrict or inhibit others from using and enjoying the Internet is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
4. Transmission of material, information, or software in violation of any school district policy, or local, state or federal law is prohibited and is a breach of the Acceptable Use Policy.
Violating the Acceptable Use Policy may result in:
✔ Restricted network access,
✔ Loss of network access,
✔ Disciplinary or legal action including,
but not limited to, suspension from school
or criminal prosecution under
appropriate state and federal laws.