USD 405 - Lyons has much to offer. The fully accredited system strives to improve every day to create a world-class education for our PK-12 students. USD 405 has a Parents as Teachers program with three certified instructors. Park Elementary has a 3 and 4-year-old special education program, and a 4-year old preschool, and grades K-2. Central Elementary contains grades 3-5, and a functional special education room. Lyons Middle School holds grades 6-8 with a full slate of sports and activities. Lyons High School has a traditional college preparation curriculum as well as 18 career and technology pathways. These pathways maintain up-to-date equipment and many offer end-of-study industry-recognized certifications. LHS also has the distinction of being the smallest school in the country to have an Air Force Junior ROTC program. LHS is also the first high school in the nation to offer a pilot training program for Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). Students in grades 2-12 have their own school-issued laptops. All schools have a one-hour late start on Fridays, during which the teaching staff meets in Professional Learning Communities that collaborate on curriculum, instruction, data studies, book studies, MTSS, accreditation and a number of other issues. All four schools are designated Redesign schools. In addition to the four traditional school settings, USD 405 is home to the Rice County Learning Center that houses high school diploma-issuing programs in credit recovery, graduation recovery, and English as Second Language for adults. Regardless of a student's interests, there are resources available in the Lyons schools to help every student develop into a self-reliant, life-long learner, with the ability to meet society's challenges!
Biographical Information:
Name: Bill Day
Position: Superintendent
Spouse: Sara
Children: Crystal & Billy
Education Information:
High School: Satanta High School, Satanta, Kansas, 1981
College: BS Secondary Education & Social Studies from Wichita State University, 1994
MS Secondary Education from Northwest Oklahoma State University, 2000
Building Administrator Certificate: Fort Hays State University, 2003
District Administrator Certificate: Fort Hays State University, 2010
5-12 Social Studies
K-12 Health
K-12 Physical Education
K-12 English as a Second Language
7-12 Building Administrator
K-12 Building Leadership
District Leadership
Awards, Recognitions, and Offices:
ESSDACK Executive Council, 2014-Present
ESSDACK Insurance Committee Member, 2018-Present
ESSDACK Superintendents' Council Chairman, 2015-16
Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Superintendents' Council Chairman, 2012-13
Ashland High School Hall of Fame as State Champ Assistant Track Coach, 2010
A+ Interactive Distance Learning Network Principals' Council President, 2008-13
Kansas State High School Activities Association Board of Directors, 2007-08
Kansas State High School Activities Association Appeals Board, 2020-2022
Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals Area VI Junior High Principal of the Year, 2007
Southern Plains-Iroquois Activities Association President, 2005-06
Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals Area VI High School Principal of the Year, 2005
Kansas Civic Star Award, 2002
Ashland Business & Professional Women's Kansas Teacher of the Year, 2001
Unified School District 220 Distinguished Educator Award, 2000
University of Kansas College of Education Distinguished Teacher Recognition, 1998