Grab N Go Meals During School Closure
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We know that play is crucial for childhood development. That is why we are participating in Global Play at School Day. Unstructured play with friends is so much fun!
Make plans now to attend the Lyons Kiwanis Club Mom/Son Dance on Friday, February 14, 6-8pm and Daddy/Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 15, 6-8pm. $20 per couple. Tickets available from Celebration Centre 620-257-5390 or at under the "Buy Now" button.
Park Parents: We are going out to the High School for the district wide Pep Rally for Homecoming at 12:45 pm. We will have our regular release time at 2:15 pm.
Quick reminder for Park Parents and Families: Popcorn pick-up tonight from 6-8 pm at the school. Thanks again for supporting our school and students!
There is no better way to start the #Christmas season off right than a concert from Park Elementary students
Just a quick reminder, Park’s Winter concert is tonight at LHS @ 7pm. Students need to be at LHS by 6:45 pm.
Great job again Lyons High School Air Force Junior ROTC with Veterans Day Pk-12 assembly!
Parents: Park Elementary K-2 students will be going to the Veteran's Day Celebration on Monday, Nov. 11th at LHS. Students will be out of our building from 9:40 am to 11:15 am. Please contact the office if you are needing your child during those times to set up a pick up method.
Due to the severe cold/wind chill tomorrow, the Park Costume Parade will take place in the building. Parents are still welcome and it will be at 1:15 pm as scheduled. Merchants will be handing out candy in the building.
Parents: We are having a Halloween Party for Park that you are invited to.You are welcome to join us on October 31st from 9 am to 11 am. You are also welcomed to dress up yourself, nothing too scary please. You can also help with this, PLEASE! Contact the school to sign up.
Thank you Central Plains Rodeo Association queens for visiting the Lyons High School Homecoming pep rally! Welcome to Lyons!
Homecoming Pep Assembly is officially underway!!!
The Homecoming Parade has been canceled and the pep rally has been moved to the High School Gym. The pep rally will start @ 12:30 pm.
Remember the Lyons Rotary Scholarship Chalupa Dinner
Park Elementary will join in celebrating homecoming next week. Park Students are encouraged to dress up on the following days from Sept. 30 - Oct.4.
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Super Hero Day
Wednesday: Wacky Day - Dress Silly
Thursday: Sports Day
Friday: Blue and White Day
Still more pics from Lions In Lyons Day 2019
More pics from Lions In Lyons Day 2019
Its our Lions in Lyons Community Service Day! Park Students are out spreading LOVE and Positivity in front of the businesses on the Square. Go check out their work!