Christi Reid
Mrs. Reid has taught at Lyons Middle School since 1993. She is highly qualified to teach Math, English Language Arts, and English as a Second Language. She has taught Math, Reading, Writing, English, Technology, and Holocaust.
Mrs. Reid is currently taking classes through Fort Hays State University. She will receive a Master’s Degree in School Counseling.
Mrs. Reid is a recipient of the Lippelmann Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, a district representative and a finalist for Kansas Teacher of the Year, and Lyons Elementary and Secondary Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. Reid has studied at the National Holocaust Memorial Museum and is a certified teacher of the Holocaust. She is a member of the KEEN (Kansas Exemplary educators Network) organization and is the Redesign Pilot for Lyons Middle School.
Her husband, Brad teaches history at Lyons High School and is the Fire Chief for Lyons. Her daughter, Kayla is a speech pathologist at an elementary school in Salina.
Her son, Gage is a firefighter and EMT for Hutchinson Fire Department.
They love to travel and play games.