Online Registration


Parent online video information for Online Registration

Lyons schools are asking that everyone complete the online portions of enrollment prior to the enrollment date of August 2, 2021. The Lyons School District is once again using an On-Line Registration (OLR) format through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for enrollment. Infinite Campus OLR through Parent Portal is now the process for families to register existing students as well as add new students who will be attending Lyons Schools. For the 2021-22 enrollment, parents can go online in their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, any time starting July 5, 2021, to update their household/demographic information and enter any new student they might have attending Lyons School District as well as fill out necessary forms for each building.
You can complete the registration process by logging into your Parent Portal Account, on the left side of the page scroll down until you see the “MORE” tab in the dark grey area. Click on “Online Registration” and follow the on-screen instructions. This process needs to be completed at home to save time at enrollment on August 2, 2021 (7:00 AM-7:00 PM). All building enrollments will once again be held at LHS. Parents should be able to complete most of the OLR forms and pay fees online from the convenience of home. Computers will be available at LHS on the enrollment dates if you do not have access to a computer.
To pay fees, click on "Fees" on the left side in the Parent Portal. (There are instructions on the payment process on the district website under the "Enrollment" tab.)
NEW FAMILIES TO THE DISTRICT will need to report to enrollment on August 2, 2021, to complete the needed information.
A Spanish speaking interpreter will be available during the enrollment dates to assist any Spanish speaking families. Un intérprete que habla espanol estará disponible durante las fechas de inscripción para ayudar a cualquier familia que necisita.
There are also some forms you can have printed out on the website under enrollment as well.
There is also an option to pay your fees and lunches online by logging into your Parent Portal by clicking on payments in the left-hand column.
Online Registration Forms - Under the Release Agreement Forms, forms such as FERPA, Fieldtrip Release Form, Media, Release for Treatment, Technology Agreement, etc., you do not have to print off these forms and bring them to the schools. Clicking yes or no and signing at the bottom takes place of filling in the forms. The forms are there just for viewing/info not to be filled out and brought to the schools.
FORMS TO FILL OUT/PRINT - What your students will need can be found on the Lyons District Website at Under enrollment, scroll down to New and Returning Student and fill out any forms that apply. New students to the District that may apply and need to be filled out. Under Park School, if your student is attending Preschool there is a required form to fill print out.
Please fill out/print forms and bring them with you to Enrollment.
Parent online video information for Online Registration:

You now have the convenience of paying your school fees and lunches online. Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal or, click on the "Fees" tab on the left column.
You will see the required laptop fees, which are due by enrollment. Laptop fees are $50 per student at Central, LMS, and/or LHS up to a maximum fee of $100 per household.
The "Optional Payments" under “My Accounts” (on the right side of the page) these fees include such things shop fees and Yearbook. The optional items will be available for paying throughout the year. You can log in to Portal and make a Lunch Payment anytime throughout the year. You no longer have to go to school or send money with your student. Just click on “Food Service". Under “Food Service” you have the option to pay an individual, set up a monthly payment, or set up a withdrawal when your student drops to a certain amount.
Optional Fees such as Charger, Computer Replacement, and Shop Fees are fees that will only need to be paid if your student breaks their computer or loses their charger, shop fees are only for students who will incur a shop bill for shop projects.