Buffer Week and Winter Sports

Buffer week policy and Winter sports information:

A reminder everyone that next week, beginning November 9th,  is KSHSAA Fall Athletic Buffer Week.  Listed below is KSHSAA's policy regarding Buffer Week:

There shall be no athletic practice, offseason conditioning, informal basketball shooting, working out on wrestling mats, etc. in school owned facilities during the fall athletic buffer week. Athletic activities of this nature may not be held under the supervision of a school staff member in non-school facilities. This means a moratorium on all school sponsored athletic activities during this week. Gymnasiums shall not be open to students during the fall athletic buffer week for purposes of shooting baskets, working out with weights, etc. outside of school hours.   

Winter sports practices will begin Monday, November 16th.
Individual team members consent and physical forms must be completed and on file before the  student can participate. All forms can be found in the LHS office. 

Boys Basketball Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 11th in the lecture room immediately after school. Anyone interested in playing should attend this meeting.  Coach Friess is also looking for 2 managers for the team.